Tired of cleaning your house every day?

Well, look no further, because with a Tikom robot vacuum, you can kiss your days of vacuuming goodbye!

These nifty little machines are designed to take care of all your vacuuming needs for you.

All you have to do is set it and forget it!

Not only are they effective at getting the job done, but they're also pretty affordable.

In fact, many of them are even cheaper than traditional upright vacuums.

So if you're looking for an easy way to keep your house clean without breaking the bank, a Tikom robot vacuum is definitely the way to go.

How We Choose

Vacuuming is a necessary evil, but it's hard to find the time to do it every week.

Nobody likes doing chores, but they have to be done. Vacuuming is one of the most dreaded tasks around the house.

These Best Tikom Robot Vacuum can take care of this for you.

These top-rated robot vacuum have amazing features like automatic dirt detection, edge cleaning, and a low profile design that allows it to clean under furniture.

We've done the research for you!

After reading thousands of reviews on Amazon, we've narrowed it down to the 3 best robot vacuums.

Tikom Robot Vacuum and Mop G800

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Wondering Why We Love It

Looking for a powerful and efficient way to clean your home?

Look no further than the Tikom Robot Vacuum and Mop G8000!

This bad boy is equipped with the latest mopping technology and features an electronically controlled water pump with adjustable three-level water output.

That means you can enjoy a completely clean home with ease!

Not to mention, the G8000 follows an efficient Zig-zag path for cleaning, as opposed to a random path like other robotic vacuums.

This exclusive smart navigation improves cleaning efficiency by 30%!

Plus, the 2700pa strong suction can deal with dust and pet hair effortlessly and delivers a perfect cleaning performance on hardwood floors.

Best of all, the G8000 will automatically return to its Charging Station once the battery is low.

And if that weren't enough, this amazing vacuum can also be used via App control, including 5 different cleaning modes: smart clean & edge clean & spot clean & random clean & manual clean.

Plus, it can be connected to Alexa and Google Home for your convenience.

So what are you waiting for?

Get your hands on the Tikom Robot Vacuum and Mop G8000 today!

Tikom G7000 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

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Wondering Why We Love It

Looking for a vacuum that will clean your home thoroughly and efficiently?

Look no further than the Tikom G7000 Robot Vacuum Cleaner!

This unique vacuum features smart navigation that improves cleaning efficiency by 30%, thanks to its Zig-zag path.

Additionally, the 2700pa strong suction can deal with dust and hair easily – delivering a perfect cleaning performance on both medium-pile carpets and hardwood floors.

Plus, the G7000 will automatically return to its charging station once the battery is low.

Best of all, you can control the vacuum via an app – including 5 different cleaning modes: smart clean, edge clean, spot clean, random clean, and manual clean.

You can also voice control it to Alexa or Google Home for even more convenience.

Plus, with Carpet Boost and Boundary Strips, the G7000 can automatically increase suction power on carpets – providing a deeper clean every time.

Make cleaning easy with the Tikom G7000 Robot Vacuum Cleaner!

Tikom Robot Vacuum Cleaner G6000 Robot Vacuum

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Wondering Why We Love It

Looking for a way to keep your home clean with minimal effort?

Look no further than the Tikom Robot Vacuum Cleaner G6000!

This innovative vacuum cleaner will thoroughly clean your home following an efficient Zig-zag path, making it 30% more efficient than traditional random path vacuums.

Additionally, its 2200PA suction is powerful enough to easily tackle dust and hair, making it perfect for both medium-pile carpets and hardwood floors.

Plus, the boundary strip feature allows you to set no-go areas in your home, so you can customize the vacuum's cleaning pattern to your specific needs.

And with a runtime of up to 120 minutes, this vacuum can handle even the most challenging cleaning jobs.

Plus, it's self-charging, so you'll never have to worry about replacing batteries.

Give yourself the gift of a clean home with the Tikom Robot Vacuum Cleaner G6000!

The Conclusion

Let's face it, nobody likes vacuuming.

It's a necessary evil that takes up valuable time that could be spent doing something else, like watching Netflix or taking a nap.

But what if there was a way to outsource this chore to somebody else?

That's where robot vacuums come in.

These nifty little machines can take care of your vacuuming for you while you kick back and relax. And we've done the research to find the best of the best.

After reading thousands of reviews on Amazon, we've narrowed down the top three robot vacuums based on features, price, and customer satisfaction.

So if you're looking for a vacuum that will do all the work for you, look no further than our list of the Best Tikom Robot Vacuums.

Just tap the "check price" button and let us do all the hard work!

Tikom Robot Vacuum FAQ

Is A Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Worth the Money?

There's no single answer to this question since everyone's needs and budgets are different. But in general, robotic vacuum cleaners are definitely worth the money if you hate vacuuming or if you have a large house with lots of rooms.

Robotic vacuum cleaners have come a long way in the past few years. They're now much more intelligent and efficient than ever before, and can clean your entire house without needing any help from you. Plus, they usually come with extra features like automatic scheduling, dirt detection, and edge cleaning. So if you're looking for a hassle-free way to keep your floors clean, then a robotic vacuum cleaner is definitely worth considering.

Why Do Robot Vacuums Move Randomly?

It's fun to watch a robot vacuum cleaner zig and zag across the room as it cleans, but sometimes it seems like they're just moving around at random. Why do they move in that seemingly haphazard way?

Actually, there's a method to their madness. Random path robotic vacuums do so to avoid collisions with obstacles. If they always moved in straight lines, they'd end up crashing into walls or furniture. By moving around randomly, they have a better chance of avoiding these collisions, check the user manual for more info as well.

Can You Remote Control a Roomba?

YES! Roombas can be remotely controlled using the iRobot HOME App. You just need to connect your Roomba to your home Wi-Fi network and download the app. The app gives you real-time equipped remote control of your robot, so you can start, stop, or dock it from anywhere in the world. Plus, you can create custom cleaning schedules and even receive notifications when your robot completes a cleaning job.

Do Robot Mops Stay off the Carpet?

There are a few different types of robot mops available on the market. The most popular type is the wet/dry type, which can be used to clean both sealed hardwood floors and unsealed carpets. Robot mops typically come with either disposable or reusable cleaning pads that attach to the bottom of the machine. Some models even come with built-in water tanks so you can wet the cleaning pad before you start mopping some even come with a mopping cloth holder.

How Do I Choose a Robot Vacuum?

It can be tough to decide which robot vacuum is best for your needs. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

First, consider the size of your home. If you have a smaller home, you may want a robot vacuum that is less powerful and has a shorter battery life. If you have a larger home, you'll need a more powerful vacuum that can cover more ground and provide a deeper cleaning.

Second, think about the features you want. Some robot vacuums can be programmed to clean specific areas at specific times, while others come with extra tools like HEPA filters or automatic dust disposal systems. Decide which features are important to you and narrow down your choices based on those factors.

Finally, consider your budget. There are lots of great robot vacuums available at different price points, so think about how much you're willing to spend before you start shopping.

How Often Do Roomba Parts Need to Be Replaced?

Parts need to be replaced depending on how often the robot is used and the type of debris it encounters. For example, the cleaning brush and filters should be replaced every 3 months, whereas the HEPA filter should be replaced every 6 months. If your Roomba is collecting a lot of pet hair, then you may need to replace the filters more often. If it stops charging then the ac power adapter.

What Is The Disadvantage Of Robot Vacuum?

The main disadvantage of a robot vacuum is its limited capacity to handle large debris and deep cleaning. While they are effective at picking up small particles and surface dust, they may struggle with larger items like crumbs or pet hair, especially on carpets. Additionally, robot vacuums may not be as thorough as traditional vacuums when it comes to deep cleaning tasks such as removing embedded dirt from carpets or upholstery.

Another drawback is the need for regular maintenance and emptying of the dustbin. Depending on the size of the robot vacuum and the amount of debris it picks up, users may need to empty the dustbin frequently to maintain its effectiveness. This can be inconvenient for some users who prefer a hands-off approach to cleaning. Overall, while robot vacuums offer convenience and time-saving benefits, they may not be suitable for every cleaning task or household.