Looking for a cozy way to spend your fall and winter nights?

That's why we've compiled a list of the best outdoor fireplaces on the market.

Whether you're looking for something small and portable or something that will heat up your whole backyard, we've got you covered.

And the best part is, these fireplaces are all affordable!

So gather your friends and family around one of these beautiful outdoor fireplaces this fall and winter, and enjoy some good old fashioned warmth.

How We Choose

Outdoor fireplaces are a great way to enjoy the outdoors, but there are so many options it can be hard to know which one is right for you.

With so many outdoor fireplaces to choose from, how do you know which one is the best for you?

Do you go with the cheapest one?

The most popular one?

The one that your friends have?

We've done all the hard work for you!

After reading thousands of reviews on Amazon, we've compiled a list of the best outdoor fireplaces.

Whether you're looking for an electric fireplace, propane fireplace, or wood burning fireplace, we've got you covered.

Yaheetech Multifunctional Fire Pit Table

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Wondering Why We Love It

Introducing the Yaheetech Multifunctional Fire Pit Table: Your one-stop shop for warmth, firelight, and all that good stuff!

Whether you're having a BBQ in your yard, keeping cool drinks and food during a chilly night with friends, or just wanting to sit outside basking in the warmth of flames and the stars, this multifunctional table has you covered.

Plus, safety is a priority here too. With its mesh lid, those pesky burning embers won't be blowing around danger!

The poker included helps you to stoke the fire and remove that mesh lid when necessary - meaning you get to enjoy your outdoor relaxation without worrying about hot sparks.

No need for grief at cleanup time either - this table comes with an outer cover for protection from water or rain when it's not being used.

Plus, who doesn't love a sturdy design? We've got you covered with our nice little patterned mecca that's built tough.

Plus, it couldn't be easier to assemble according to the manual instructions included.

Make those crisp nights all that more enjoyable with the Yaheetech Multifunctional Fire Pit Table!

BALI OUTDOORS Chimenea Outdoor Fireplace

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Wondering Why We Love It

Bring the fun and warmth of outdoor fire to your backyard all year round with the BALI OUTDOORS Chimenea Outdoor Fireplace!

This robustly built chiminea is sure to become the visual centerpeice of your outdoor space.

The special construction using heavy-duty cast iron offers unmatched durability and timeless rustic charm.

The unique round wire mesh screening design on this chiminea allows for 360° views of the blazing flames.

Need to add or remove fuel?

No problem!

With its easy-access sliding door and ash tray, you can keep your fire burning with ease.

And because it is simple to assemble, you’ll be singing 'Ole' in no time! Get fired up with BALI OUTDOORS Chimenea Outdoor Fireplace today!

Ciays Propane Fire Pits 32 Inch Outdoor Gas Fire Pit

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Wondering Why We Love It

Are you ready for an outdoor party that has everything?

Look no further than Ciays Propane Fire Pits 32 Inch Outdoor Gas Fire Pit. Now your patio gatherings can come to life with the perfect heat source and snacks at the ready.

Whether you’re hosting a romantic night for two or inviting all your friends over, this fire table ensures a perfect evening spent in cozy warmth.

With 50,000 BTU of power, it’ll keep everyone around the pit good and toasty throughout the night.

And after serving up drinks and snacks, the table is just the right size for holding any refreshments that are leftover long into the evening.

Plus, it's so easy and safe to use; your only worry is making sure everyone gets warm enough before they head home!

Hosting an outdoor party just got a whole lot easier.

So get Ciays Propane Fire Pits 32 Inch Outdoor Gas Fire Pit today and make your party one to remember!

Best Choice Products 28in Gas Fire Pit Table

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Wondering Why We Love It

Do you have an outdoor getaway that's just not quite warm enough?

Best Choice Products’ 28in Gas Fire Pit Table adds a stylish, whimsical touch to your backyard or patio!

Turn up the warmth with this 20-pound propane tank fire pit and enjoy hours of halcyon days in the sun.

What's more?

Their fire pit does double-duty, transforming from a heat source to chic ambiance table for dining.

Crafted with weather-resistant wicker over a sturdy steel frame, feel confident knowing your ‘fire-side chat’ throne won't be hurt by Mother Nature — thanks in part to its durable fabric cover included with purchase.

Put food and drinks on the built-in side hooks and dine around the flame as it emits from a bed of glass beads.

Plus, being able to tuck away your propane tank is virtually unheard of!

The magnetic side door lets you quickly switch out your tank without having it visible for everyone to see.

All that's left is sitting back and soaking in those cozy heat vibes!

Sunnydaze Black Crossweave Large Outdoor Fire Pit

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Wondering Why We Love It

Bring some fire-y fun to your outdoor oasis with the Sunnydaze Black Crossweave Large Outdoor Fire Pit!

Perfectly sized for a family get-together under the stars, this heavy-duty fire pit is built with durable 1.7 mm gauge steel and finished in rust resistant black high-temperature paint, so you can be sure it will last night after night of marshmallows and quality time.

Not only is it sturdy and long lasting, but its modern crossweave pattern is a perfect addition to any style of patio setting.

Best of all, your complete set up comes easy.

With a metal spark screen to manage flying sparks, weatherproof cover to protect from the elements, wood-burning grate for efficient air flow and poker tool for controlling the flame - keeping everyone safe and warm has never been easier!

So gather those around you that you love, pop some corn and break out the Sunnydaze Black Crossweave Large Outdoor Fire Pit – you’re gonna have one heck 'uvah good time!

The Conclusion

After reading through our roundup of the best outdoor fireplaces, you should be prepared to choose the right one for your needs.

Keep in mind how you want to use your fireplace, what materials will work best with your home's style, and how much maintenance you're willing to do.

Once you have a good idea of what you're looking for, tap the "check price" button on the best outdoor fireplace that catches your eye.

Thanks for reading!

Best Outdoor Fireplace FAQ

Is An Outdoor Fireplace Worth It?

Absolutely! An outdoor fireplace is definitely worth it - not only are they incredibly fun and beautiful to look at, but an outdoor fireplace can also provide a great focal point for entertaining family and friends.

For starters, an outdoor fireplace will help you create the perfect ambiance for your backyard. With the warm, inviting glow of flickering flames in the backdrop of a starry night and surrounded by lush gardens or fragrant trees, you can set up your very own paradise without ever leaving home. Plus, since fireplaces are usually built higher than the ground level (usually 12-18 inches), they make for great conversation pieces among guests - everyone has something to comment on when they're seated around one.

Moreover, if you invest in a outdoor gas fireplace rather than a wood burning outdoor fireplace (which require more maintenance such as routinely cleaning ashes), then it could also be beneficial from an energy efficiency standpoint. The smaller size means that less fuel is needed to generate enough heat while providing just enough warmth so that people don't have to pile up with extra blankets when hanging out late into the night. This is especially helpful during cooler fall/winter months when temperatures drop significantly after dark!

Finally, whether you decide on buying an already made one or building one yourself from DIY plans/outdoor fireplace kit with brick/stone material found at your local store; either way there's nothing quite like personalizing your own special place in the backyard – crafted just right depending on how much space you have available or what type of design aesthetic you’re looking for. So it's safe to say that investing in an outdoor fireplace totally pays off in multiple ways: You'll be able to relax even further outdoors while adding beauty and virtually doubling living areas within limited spaces!

Do Outdoor Fireplaces Put Off Heat?

Absolutely! Outdoor fireplaces provide warmth, ambience, and comfort for outdoor living spaces. Not only do they heat the immediate area around them, but some can even generate enough heat to warm up an entire outdoor patio or backyard.

When it comes to producing heat, there are two main types of outdoor fireplaces: wood-burning models and gas-burning models. Both burn fuel (either wood or natural gas) to produce heat that radiates out into your space. Wood-burning fireplaces tend to be a little more dramatic—they create larger flames that flicker in the night—while gas-burning models are usually more consistent and efficient when it comes to producing long term warmth for your patio party guests or family meal outside.

In terms of outputting hot air, most standard outdoor fireplaces put off between 3500–5000 BTUs per hour while larger versions may put out up 8000 BTUs per hour; that’s enough heater power to keep your space comfortable on cooler nights! And because they produce infrared radiation (just like the sun!), these special type grills transfer radiant energy directly through the air rather than circulating heated air through ducts like traditional indoor heating systems would do so you can expect a cozy vibe right away once you light it up!

So if you're looking for extra cosy vibes this autumn season (or anytime!), consider investing in an outdoor fireplace today; no matter what type you choose, it'll surely make all your friends and family marvel at its beauty—especially when those dancing flames kick in!

Can I Build My Own Outdoor Fireplace?

Absolutely! Building your own outdoor fireplace is both a fun and challenging home improvement project, but with the right materials, tools, and instructions, you can have an impressive roaring fire feature in your backyard.

The first step is to pick out the material for your fireplace. If you want something more traditional and classic-looking, brick or stone are usually good choices. You can use thin veneer cut stones for a uniform look, or larger slabs of natural stonework if that’s what takes your fancy. Flagstone may also be an option if you’re looking for something unique and special - it gives off a rustic feeling while still being very beautiful.

Once you have chosen materials to build with and decided on a design plan and outdoor living space (you can search online for ideas), gather up all the necessary building blocks like bricks or cinderblocks etc., plus any specialty parts such as chimney caps, flue liners etc that might be required depending on the style of fireplace planned. You will also need mortar mix to help hold everything together during construction as well as tools such as trowels to apply it so plan ahead by gathering all these items too before getting started.

Next set aside some time – this isn’t going to be done in one evening! First lay down footing which involves digging excavations into which foundations should then go; secure them firmly using mortar mix until everything looks level & secure - this usually takes about two days depending on how deep & wide the excavation needs to go into ground soil/sand/gravel etc). At same time begin constructing firebox (aka ‘hearth') which houses combustion chamber where burning logs generate heat & smoke; then attach appropriate flues/chimneys above top of structure once both foundation & hearth sections have been completed satisfactorily according theirs individual designs' specifications (see links provided above).

From here final touches like adding decorative tiles around opening rim create nice finish touch while rendering walls outside area ought include waterproofing protection against moisture seepage so make sure sealant used meets requirements specified manufacturer's instructions prior signing off entire project's completion status! Hopefully this helps answer question asked - happy creating everyone :D

What Are The Four Types Of Fireplaces?

Fireplaces have been around for generations and provide a great source of warmth and coziness in homes. There are four main types of fireplaces that people use today: traditional, electric, gas, and outdoor fireplaces.

Traditional Fireplace: A traditional fireplace uses wood or coal as fuel to create a real flame with smoke and heat. It usually has an open face or grate where the fire is lit and kept burning; most often it will also feature an exhaust flue to release the smoke outdoors. With this type of fireplace you can enjoy the look, sound, smell, and feel of a real wood-burning fire!

Electric Fireplace: Electric fireplaces are becoming increasingly popular thanks to their easy installation requirements; they typically run on electricity so you can get all the convenience of a realistic-looking flame while using much less energy than that needed by their traditional counterparts. An electric fireplace can be installed easily without needing any ventilation system because there is no burning process involved - just plug it into your wall outlet! You'll find many styles available from modern designs to more rustic options for those wanting something with more character.

Gas Fireplace: Gas fireplaces offer efficient heating along with ambiance since they create realistic flames powered by either natural gas or propane fuel sources. They require very little maintenance compared to other types as there's no need for chopping wood; some models even come equipped with decorative chimneys! As an added bonus, gas fireplaces usually don't produce smoke but instead vent directly outside via an existing chimney or piping system which makes them both clean and safe for indoor use.

Outdoor Fireplace: A modern outdoor fireplace allows you to enjoy your backyard all year round while providing ample warmth in colder months too! These pieces are typically made out of natural building materials like stone or brick so they stand up well against weather elements like sunlight exposure & rain (plus they look great!). Like gas models, these also tend not to produce smoke but instead vent directly outside via existing pipes/chimneys making them ideal if you want the cozy feeling without dealing with excess fumes inside your home environment - perfect for anyone who loves entertaining outdoors!

Are Fire Pits Or Chimineas Better?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it really depends on your personal preference and the type of setting you have in your outdoor area. Both fire pits and chimineas offer unique benefits, so let’s explore their various features to help you decide which one might be best for you.

When it comes to fire pits, they come in all shapes and sizes, offering a great deal of versatility when choosing the perfect size for your outdoor space. They are incredibly easy to use; simply fill the pit with wood or charcoal and light a match! Fire pits also tend to be economical since they can be made from materials such as natural stone or gravel that require little upkeep over time. Additionally, these structures often serve two purposes - providing warmth on a cool evening while also doubling as an attractive table centerpiece during the day.

Chimineas, on the other hand, provide an efficient way of keeping warm at night due to their distinct design that directs heat upwards towards the sky rather than outwards like traditional fire pits do. Plus, most models are portable which makes them great for taking camping trips or hosting barbecues away from home! However, because they typically require more fuel compared to fire pits (or any other kind of traditional fireplace) they can also lead to significantly higher energy costs over time if used regularly throughout every season.

Ultimately both types of outdoor structures have their own advantages depending on what type of setting you want in your backyard - whether it's ease-of-use or portability combined with efficiency that matter most! Compare each option carefully before making a decision about which product is right for you - good luck!

What Is The Most Durable Outdoor Patio Furniture?

If you're looking for outdoor furniture that is built to last, look no further than wicker! Wicker has proven itself to be an incredibly durable and resilient material, making it perfect for outdoor settings. Not only does it look great with its classic style and natural textures, but it can handle all the elements thrown at it.

Wicker is strong enough to withstand long-term exposure to sun and rain without fading or deteriorating too quickly. It's also incredibly lightweight yet still sturdy enough for relaxed seating and lounging - which makes this type of furniture fun and comfortable for your whole family. Plus, you won't have any issues cleaning off dirt or debris from the surface - just grab a hose or bucket of water and you'll be good to go! Finally, wicker comes in a variety of colors so you can easily find something that will match the aesthetic of your backyard perfectly.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why wicker is the most durable outdoor patio furniture available on the market today - its strength and resilience make it perfect for those who want their furniture to remain in top condition year after year!

What Are The Benefits Of Having An Outdoor Fireplace In My Backyard?"

Having an outdoor fireplace in your backyard offers several enticing benefits that enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of your outdoor space. Some of the key advantages include:

1. Ambiance and Coziness: An outdoor fireplace creates a warm and inviting ambiance, making your backyard an ideal gathering spot for family and friends. It adds a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, perfect for chilly evenings or cooler seasons.

2. Extended Outdoor Living: With an outdoor fireplace, you can extend the usability of your outdoor space beyond the warm months. It allows you to enjoy your backyard even during cooler evenings or on crisp autumn nights, making it a valuable addition to your outdoor living area.

3. Cooking and Grilling: Many outdoor fireplaces come with cooking features, such as grates or rotisseries, allowing you to prepare delicious meals while enjoying the open flame. It adds a unique culinary experience to your outdoor gatherings.

4. Socializing and Entertaining: An outdoor fireplace becomes a focal point for social gatherings and entertainment. It provides a natural gathering spot where people can relax, chat, and share stories around the fire.

5. Property Value: Installing an outdoor fireplace can enhance the overall value and appeal of your property. It adds a sought-after feature that potential buyers may find attractive, should you decide to sell your home in the future.

What Are The Advantages Of Having A Wood-burning Fireplace In My Home?

Having a wood-burning fireplace in your home offers several advantages that make it a desirable feature for many homeowners. Some of the key benefits include:

1. Cozy and Romantic Atmosphere: A wood-burning fireplace creates a warm and inviting ambiance that adds a touch of coziness and romance to any room. The crackling sound of burning wood and the dancing flames provide a sensory experience that is hard to replicate with other heating methods.

2. Energy Efficiency: Wood is a renewable and cost-effective source of heat compared to other fuel options. Using a wood-burning fireplace as a supplemental heating source can help reduce energy costs during colder months.

3. Independence from Utility Grid: During power outages or extreme weather conditions, a wood-burning fireplace can still provide heat and comfort, ensuring you are not entirely dependent on the utility grid.

4. Cooking and Grilling: Some wood-burning fireplaces are designed with cooking features like grates or cooking surfaces. This versatility allows you to prepare delicious meals and enjoy the traditional art of open-fire cooking.

5. Eco-Friendly Heating: Burning wood from sustainable sources can be considered a carbon-neutral heating method, as the carbon dioxide released during combustion is balanced by the carbon dioxide absorbed by new trees as they grow.

6. Aesthetic Appeal: Wood-burning fireplaces add an element of charm and beauty to your home's interior design. They serve as a focal point in the room and can enhance the overall aesthetics of the space.

7. Emotional Connection: Many homeowners have a sentimental attachment to wood-burning fireplaces, as they evoke fond memories of family gatherings, holiday celebrations, and cozy nights spent by the fire.

It's important to note that owning a wood-burning fireplace also comes with responsibilities, such as regular maintenance and safe operation. Properly seasoned wood and regular chimney cleaning are essential to ensure efficient burning and reduce the risk of chimney fires. Additionally, check local regulations and restrictions regarding wood-burning fireplaces in your area, as some regions have specific guidelines to ensure air quality and safety.